IHS Transition II class and teachers
IHS Transition Teachers, Marie Wicks, Maria Griego
Dr. Jay Whitlow and Lauren Huffmaster
Thoughts for Christmas
I would like to take a minute to reflect on the WCS Transition II program. In honor of the new year, I think it is important for us to reflect upon the successes of this year.
Yesterday there was a gathering of about 75 students, teachers, families, and community members. The schools worked together to provide music, a photo booth, crafts and presents for everyone.
As I looked around, I saw students with significant needs, students with severe behaviors, students with intellectual disabilities, and physical disabilities all on the dance floor smiling, laughing, dancing and singing. The students found friends on the dance floor that they may not have ever met before. Everyone was happy, everyone seemed at peace.
In the past two years I have attended many of these types of parties and I don't remember one "melt down" or major incident occurring. Among friends and peers we see the best in our students. When attending such events we see our students' joy and laughter, their desire to participate. We see them for their abilities.
As we move forward in our year, we will find ourselves dealing with difficulties, in those moments I hope we can remember our successes and the purposes held before us.
In my class, I recognize a significant decrease in negative behaviors this year. This is a major success! The students, the families, the administration, and the teachers around my students did not give up! We believed in one another, worked as a team and are now seeing major results. It took time but our efforts make a difference.
Last week we started a new job placement with some of my more difficult to place students. These students have great strengths to offer but there are issues that keep them from finding employment. At this new job site, I saw focus, excitement, and productivity like I have not seen before from this group of students. On their first day at this job site these students felt successful! I love this. This is what Transition II is all about.
To the outside observer walking into my class, the students may only seem to be working on crafts or playing on the computer. When I look at my class, I see a group of individuals learning to work together. I see students increasing their ability to focus over an extended period of time. I see students learning how to express themselves and what is important to them through a blog and personal journals. I hear students learning how to advocate for themselves and make themselves heard in appropriate ways. I see students thriving in a community when only last year that same community seemed scary and overwhelming.
There are so many successes I have observed this year, so many reasons to be thankful. As you reflect on your year I hope that you also will find growth and joy in the lives of those who surround you.
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