Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Employee Survey Project: 9/2/14

Today the Independence Transition students continued to visit local businesses with a job survey questionaire. Each location that they visited today the students found an employee to ask questions about the job(s) that each employed performs at that business.
Today the IHS students headed to Franklin, TN to visit a few different businesses. They went to Big Lots, Trees and Trends, and Aldi grocery store.

One of our students, Zakk Sellers, went on the trip and found it to be educational to see the opportunities that exist for those looking for employment. However, when asked about which location he thought he may enjoy working in the future "I really would not feel comfortable working at any of the locations at this time," according to Zakk.
However, all three locations had signs for possible employment opportunities. Aldi was starting associates at $10/hour.
Each location had part -time and full time positions avaliable.  There are different shifts for each location for each position available. Stockers may come in early in the morning, several hours before the store opens, to make sure all areas are ready for opening by 9AM.
However, Zakk did enjoy Aldi's because of a great find of real German Chocolate at a "very reasonable price."
Next time, Zakk hopes to visit a video game store or electronics store.

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