Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Transition 2 Fall Party--We're off to see the wizard!

The whole class in their
Wizard of Oz costumes
On Friday October 17 the IHS Transition II Students and staff attended the WCS Transition II Fall Harvest Party at Williamson County AG Expo. All schools were asked to dress up in costumes for the celebration. The IHS class decided to dress up as different characters from the movie "The Wizard of Oz." Prior to the students and staff leaving for the Fall Festival they all wanted to make sure they took pictures of themselves dressed up in their Wizard of Oz costumes that they made. The students and staff designed and made their cosutmes from supplies they had in class. They learned how to sew, paint, and cut out all of their materials. Some brought outfits from home to wear with the rest of their costumes they designed for the party.

L to R; JR, Mrs Harter (Scarecrow),
Ben McNeese (Cowardly Lion),
Mrs Huffmaster (Dorothy), and
Mrs. Newcome (Tin Man)
The students had a blast at the Harvest Party. Ben McNeese "I really liked the party." The students danced to music and ate desserts and enjoyed some social time with other students from across the county. "I danced to the music, it was fun" according to Ben McNeese.

Ben McNeese
Ben loved to dress up as the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz. He also performed for everyone his favorite dance at the party, "I did the Macarena." 

L to R: Nila Huddleston (Wicked Witch),
Kaylea Dunkin (Glenda)

For Kaylea Dunkin her favorite part of the party was dressing up as Glenda and experiencing the hay ride  "I loved going on the hay ride." "I loved to dance at the party." "The party was fun" according to Kaylea. 
For the staff and students it was a great time to dress up in costumes and socialize with other students and staff from across the county. There was dancing, music, games, food, and a ton of fun for all that attended.
"Oh No! I don't think we are in Indy anymore"
L to R: Jose Cantu (Wizard of Oz),
JR Blackmun (Tornado),  Mrs Huffmaster (Dorothy)

In this picture to the left: "Oh No! I don't think we are in Indy anymore." Exclaims Dorothy (Mrs. Huffmaster) as the great tornado (JR) wisk her away, however, the Wizard of Oz (Jose) is there to save the day!

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