Friday, February 14, 2014

Mr. Jezierny (Right) and Jose
Mrs. Anton (Back Left) and Kaylea, Nila and Jose
Today was our final day for our Valentine's day photo booth here at Independence High School. Our students had a blast!! Our general ed students had a great time and really got into the spirit of taking pictures with the props. Even several of our staff members bought cards and flowers and took their picture. It was a quick simple and easy ideal gift for their spouse. Take a picture; print it, cut it out and put it in the card with a simple valentine's message and a flower...Bang! Valentine gift is complete.

Officer Brewer (Back Left) with the Transition II students:
Jordan, Ashley, Jose, Preston, Nila and Kaylea
During the final lunch, Ashley with the help of Mrs. Harter went through the lunch room to sell flowers and invite everyone to get their picture taken. Apparently, that idea work wonders as their was a mad rush of students to come get their pictures taken.

Dr. Campbell (Back Row) with Transition II students:
 Jordan, Nila, Ashley, Kaylea, Preston, Jose
Even our adminsitration and SRO got into the spirit of the day.
The transition II program did make a good profit today and learned some valuable lessons in business and sales. Happy Valentine's Day to all our parents and

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